Thanks! your meditations are on their way.

CONGRATS! You are on your way toward finding your Path to Peace.


You’ve just been sent an email with the ‘Subject: Response Required,’ that contains a confirmation link.

Once you click on the confirmation link in that email, I can send you the 4 Free Healing Meditations.

If you can’t find the email, be sure to check your junk/promos tab – and if you still can’t find it, send me an email at [] to let me know, so I can look into it.


Let's stay connected. . .

Monica Owsichek

These days I have found my peace. I live with my husband of 17+ years, Dave, and our dogs Waylon and Willie. I am co-creating my life with the Divine, God, Source, Spirit, which provides me the freedom and flexibility to live the life I desire, not a life I “should” be living.

But it wasn’t always this way.