
Healing Meditations

Congratulations on making the conscious decision that you’re ready to reduce your stress, control anxiety, and more.

Each of these meditations has been blessed and infused with healing that will help you clear any energetic blocks you may be holding onto consciously and unconsciously related to your relationships, health, finances, and career.

I can’t wait for you to experience healing!

If you can – find a quiet space where you can be alone the first time you listen – so you can connect to the intention and power of your meditation.

I invite you to listen often – especially when you are needing to slow down, tune in, and feel some shifts.

Music by: Music of Wisdom, meditationmusiclibrary.com
Music by: Chris Collins, indiemusicbox.com
Music by: Chris Collins, indiemusicbox.com
Music by: Music of Wisdom, meditationmusiclibrary.com

Did you love these meditations?

Experience deeper healing with a Personalized Healing Meditation.


These meditations are infused with Monica’s gift of energy healing. Finally! A way to do inner work without having to work so hard. Everytime I listen, I am more calm and clear.


I’ve always aspired to meditate but found it difficult for my ADD brain until I discovered Monica’s meditations. They are deeply thoughtful and real. The length is perfect. I started listening while walking then listening again and again. It’s simple to follow along and my brain is focused and relaxed.



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Let's stay connected. . .

Monica Owsichek

These days I have found my peace. I live with my husband of 17+ years, Dave, and our dogs Waylon and Willie. I am co-creating my life with the Divine, God, Source, Spirit, which provides me the freedom and flexibility to live the life I desire, not a life I “should” be living.

But it wasn’t always this way.