
Archives: Read Past Blog Posts

Do You Still Care?

Do You Still Care?

I was talking with a girlfriend the other day and she told me how she was waiting in line at the grocery store and started eavesdropping on a conversation two women were having in front of her. One of the women said, “Now that I am in my 40’s I really don’t care what...

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Misery Or Company?

Misery Or Company?

I was thinking about the quote, “Misery loves company,” because there are some people in my life who feels like they are looking for company for their misery. I am working on being compassionate, but it can get difficult, at times. I believe they are good people and...

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Most Recent Blog Posts

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

Recently I started working with a new dog trainer. My dogs are great, but we kind of slacked with our younger dog, Willie, and needed some help. Willie came into our family during lockdown, so we didn't do a good job of socializing him. Because of this, he tends to...