
Archives: Read Past Blog Posts

Teflon or Velcro?

Teflon or Velcro?

Have you heard of the term “negativity bias?” Rick Hanson, a psychologist, coined the term to describe how our brains are more likely to hold onto negative experiences versus positive ones. He says that when we experience something negative in our lives it sticks to...

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Too many questions

Too many questions

Have you ever been in a conversation where someone was asking you too many questions? Maybe you were the one asking all the questions. Either way. It is all good. There are many tips on how to avoid asking too many questions so that it does not feel like you are...

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Most Recent Blog Posts

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

Recently I started working with a new dog trainer. My dogs are great, but we kind of slacked with our younger dog, Willie, and needed some help. Willie came into our family during lockdown, so we didn't do a good job of socializing him. Because of this, he tends to...