How often do you ask yourself - “What is my intention?” It is something I do often. It helps me set the tone of what I am going to be doing, where I am headed, who I am going to be spending time with, etc. I find there is a difference in my energy - in how I show up -...
Archives: Read Past Blog Posts
What’s trauma got to do with it?
Here is a podcast where we chat about the definition of trauma, the importance of acknowledging and accepting that we have all experienced trauma in our lives - especially now with the worldwide pandemic. We dig into how trauma can block us from moving forward in our...
Most Recent Blog Posts
No One Can Make You . . .
Do you believe that no one can make you feel a certain way? Lately, I’ve had conversations with other highly sensitive empaths and I’ve noticed a couple of women saying, “I’m tired of everyone dumping on me. They won’t stop telling me their problems. They make me feel...
Healthy Boundaries = healthy relationships
Have you consciously set boundaries in your relationships? It’s an important topic for everyone to consider. However, it’s especially important if you’re a highly sensitive empath. Boundaries help you get clear on how you want to and do not want to be treated. It's...
It Was A Tough Time . . .
Recently, I’ve noticed I feel uncomfortable after writing sections for my book. At first, I chalked it up to sometimes writing is just freaking hard to do, so of course I would feel uncomfortable. However, it started happening more and more, and I wanted to figure out...
Do What I Say, Not What I Do
Recently I started working with a new dog trainer. My dogs are great, but we kind of slacked with our younger dog, Willie, and needed some help. Willie came into our family during lockdown, so we didn't do a good job of socializing him. Because of this, he tends to...