
Do you know your Enneagram number? I should first ask if you know what the Enneagram is. 

The Enneagram is a personality typing system that categorizes people into 9 types. It’s used for self-discovery, personal growth, and understanding relationships. We each have all nine types, but one type is dominant. 

There are many free and paid sites where you can take the test. Here’s the link to the free one I took – Enneagram Test. After you figure out what your type is you can check out all the descriptions here.

I am an Enneagram Type 2, described as “The Caring, Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive.

I did a little bit of research and found out that Type 2’s are often the empaths of the world and tend to give up their own needs to help others. 

Yep! Sounds about right. 

Reading more about each type is entertaining, as it shows who you are and are not compatible with. There’s a lot of information, so if you want to go deep, you can. 

One thing, in particular, that I love to read is the EnneaThought® for the Day email. The messages are spot on for what I need to remember – especially because I am a highly sensitive empath. 

Here are just a few of the EnneaThoughts I’ve received recently:

  • I now Release feeling that others owe me for the things I have chosen to do for them.
  • Your hidden complaint is: “I am always loving, although people don’t love me as much as I love them. I am taken for granted and unappreciated.” Notice if this occurs today. 
  • How is your Basic Desire to be loved affecting you today? Notice if it has deteriorated into the need to be needed.  

Ooooh. Is it just me, but do some of those really hit home for you? When I read them first thing in the morning, they remind me of how I want to show up for the day. Hint: I am responsible for how I feel. I let go of expectations. 

If you love taking personality tests like Myers Briggs or DISC, you’ll enjoy learning your Enneagram Type. And if you are interested in receiving the EnneaThoughts, sign up here