
Do you celebrate your life exactly where it is at? It is similar to accepting your life or being grateful for your life – but not quite. To celebrate is to observe an occasion with an appropriate ceremony or festivity. It means to honor or applaud.

More than likely you celebrate occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. However what about the struggles, hardships, difficulties, and traumas that you have overcome? Have you taken time to celebrate where you are with them?

It is something that is easily overlooked. I’ve found that people either don’t think about it or feel uncomfortable celebrating the struggles, hardships, or traumas they’ve experienced.

For instance, if you lost a loved one – is it okay to celebrate? Yes, however, it would depend on how you feel and if you have worked on healing, moving through your grief, and feeling like you are in a good place.

It doesn’t mean that you are minimizing the loss. It means that you are healing, you are moving forward, and you are taking care of yourself – AND – that is something to celebrate!

Many people get stuck in their grief and do not allow themselves to move forward. They feel that if they move forward it means they are not honoring their loved ones.

Although when you are healing (from struggles, hardships, difficulties, traumas, etc.) – it is more like – you just know. One day things start to hurt less. You find yourself smiling again. You remember things you enjoy. It is like the clouds lift and you look at yourself in the mirror and you finally recognize yourself again. This is when you know you’ve made it to the other side. This is when you celebrate exactly where you are!

What about you? Can you take a moment to celebrate your life exactly where it is at? 

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey