
Did you know everyone can benefit from clearing and cleansing their energy? It’s not only for empaths or highly sensitive people.

Energy clearing can help you reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and clarity, and increase energy levels. It can also help to declutter your mind and create a sense of inner peace.

We are all made up of energy, which is constantly changing and shifting, and it’s essential to keep our energy flowing and moving.

It’s natural for your energy to ebb and flow when dealing with, processing, and accepting the stressful things in your life. 

However, when you try to ignore, push aside, push down, brush off, and minimize the stressful events, your energy will become stagnant, heavy, and stuck in your body, mind, and soul.

This slow-moving energy will continue to build up and create blockages. Over time, these blockages will cause physical, emotional, and mental symptoms, which include headaches, migraines, digestive issues, fear, anxiety, indecisiveness, lack or decrease in faith, and limiting beliefs, to name just a few.

Developing an ongoing practice of clearing your energy is crucial to clear the blockages. 

I know from experience what a tremendous impact clearing your energy can have on your life. There are so many ways to clear your energy. It can be overwhelming to find one that works for you. 

That’s why I wanted to share the Top 5 Energy Clearing Practices. I chose five practices that are simple and can be done quickly.

I suggest making copies and posting them where you’ll see them daily – on your fridge, bathroom mirror, next to your bed, on your desk, next to your computer, etc.

As you clear out the blockages, observe the physical, emotional, and mental shifts that will take place. You will begin to notice a decrease in anxiety, fear, aches, and pains and an increase in clarity, focus, and peace.

Clear your energy, honor your rhythm, live your vision.”   ~ George Denslow