What is your legacy?
Interesting question, right? I was asked this question recently, and I have to admit that it kind of took me off guard. My immediate thought was “Uhhh, hmmm, well, it’s supposed to be my children, right? But I don’t have any?” Yes, it poked at me a little, but...

Does it feel right?
Do you have old friends that if you met in present time you probably would not become friends? Do you stay friends with them even though you no longer have much in common other than your past? When I was in the depths of my fertility struggle and my girlfriend was...

Are you a fixer?
Do you have someone in your life that needs fixing, that could really really use your help? That if they listened to you and just did what you said . . . they would feel better? As I typed that out, I knew it sounded a bit silly, but this is what I was doing with my...

Are you consciously prepared for the holidays?
I can’t believe we are fast approaching another holiday season and before you know it will be 2019. Soon we will begin seeing all the year-end lists of top movies, music, books, podcasts and we will start to hear people talk about their New Year’s resolutions. This...

Do you hear it?
Do you hear that inner voice, that whisper? Maybe it’s more of a gut feeling, a vibe, a repetitive thought or vision? Whichever it is, it’s more than likely your intuition communicating with you - that inner knowing we all have because nobody knows you better than...

Powerful 3-step process . . .
I was in Arizona this past month to celebrate my niece’s baby shower. My sister did a great job getting everything organized. I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a twinge of sadness that came up for me, but I felt like I was able to acknowledge it, feel it and let...