Do You Feel The Connection?
Do you take time to consciously connect to how your body is feeling? Or do you ignore the way your body feels? Or do you connect briefly when there is an ache, a pain, or a twitch - but then you quickly ignore them again? Or maybe you are thinking, “What? Connect to...

Compassion Fatigue
Are you the person that takes care of the people in your life that are struggling? Do you do whatever you can to help them get through the tough times? Do people reach out to you when they are not doing well? You are a kind, compassionate, and helpful person, which...

You Are Not A Punching Bag
Have you ever felt like you are someone’s punching bag? An emotional one, not a physical one. You know the feeling you get when someone takes their shit out on you. They are angry, mad, hurting, frustrated, or upset and they start to throw that shit on you. You were...

Lonely But Not Alone
Have you ever been surrounded by people, but felt lonely? I was talking with a woman that shared how when she was grieving the loss of her husband of 50+ years, she went through a period of extreme loneliness. She explained that even though she was surrounded and...

Do you celebrate?
Do you celebrate your life exactly where it is at? It is similar to accepting your life or being grateful for your life - but not quite. To celebrate is to observe an occasion with an appropriate ceremony or festivity. It means to honor or applaud. More than likely...

The Best Part Of Life
I was listening to a podcast interview with Glennon Doyle as the guest. She talked about a concept called “sistering,” being the best part of life. I loved the metaphor she described and wanted to share it with you. Here’s what she said - “Carpenters know that the...