Should I still be grieving?

Should I still be grieving?

Grief has made another appearance. I have been noticing that almost every time I talk about my mother-in-law I feel like I could start to cry. I know what you may be thinking, it’s another case of an annoying in-law. Well, my mother-in-law was far from annoying. Yep,...

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The Gratitude Attitude

The Gratitude Attitude

The other day I was talking with a client about gratitude. We went through an exercise designed to promote thinking about what she was grateful for. She expressed how she typically resisted gratitude practices because she didn’t like to search for things to be...

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Is there a kink in your hose?

Is there a kink in your hose?

How do you handle difficult emotions? Do you allow yourself to feel them, sit with them, move through them or do you ignore them and hope they will go away? Maybe you replace them with positive thoughts? I used to try and hide from mine, particularly when I was in my...

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Do you expect or accept?

Do you expect or accept?

I was not a very nice wife the other day. I apologized and we talked it out, but it was still bothering me. I decided to write about it, in order to process it. It was Sunday morning and I ran to the store to pick up a couple of items we were missing to make...

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