Fake It Till You Make It
I was looking at past journal entries at a time when I was struggling and felt stuck in life. I noticed how at the beginning of many of those entries I would write about how I may be hiding from my emotions - from how I was really feeling, which at the time was sad,...

What If They Won’t Talk To You?
Have you ever been in a situation where someone in your life will not communicate with you - no matter how hard you try? I am going through this right now. There is someone in my life that I love dearly, whom I have tried to reach out to many times, but have received...

It’s A Process . . .
I’m in the middle of writing a book. It is something I’ve started and stopped many times. I feel like it's time to complete it. As I was writing, it struck me how far I have come regarding my fertility journey. If you don’t know, I don’t have children. I wanted to...

Is it Time To Forgive?
You may be asking to forgive who? For what? I believe that forgiveness is a powerful practice to incorporate into your life. Let me explain. Sometimes we do or say things that we want to be forgiven for - but instead, we push it aside and tell ourselves it is no big...

I Relapsed . . . Again
Hi, my name is Monica and I am still in recovery from being a people-pleaser. Lately, I’ve been feeling like my people-pleasing tendencies are coming back to the surface. At first, I got a little annoyed with myself. I thought, “Why is this coming back up? I thought I...

Does Everyone Have To Be Your Friend?
The quick answer is no. However, have you been in a situation where you were friends with someone because - you thought you “should” or because you had mutual friends or you didn’t want to be rude - but if you were being honest with yourself you didn’t feel a...