I was looking at past journal entries at a time when I was struggling and felt stuck in life. I noticed how at the beginning of many of those entries I would write about how I may be hiding from my emotions - from how I was really feeling, which at the time was sad,...
Archives: Read Past Blog Posts
What If They Won’t Talk To You?
Have you ever been in a situation where someone in your life will not communicate with you - no matter how hard you try? I am going through this right now. There is someone in my life that I love dearly, whom I have tried to reach out to many times, but have received...
It’s A Process . . .
I’m in the middle of writing a book. It is something I’ve started and stopped many times. I feel like it's time to complete it. As I was writing, it struck me how far I have come regarding my fertility journey. If you don’t know, I don’t have children. I wanted to...
Is it Time To Forgive?
You may be asking to forgive who? For what? I believe that forgiveness is a powerful practice to incorporate into your life. Let me explain. Sometimes we do or say things that we want to be forgiven for - but instead, we push it aside and tell ourselves it is no big...
I Relapsed . . . Again
Hi, my name is Monica and I am still in recovery from being a people-pleaser. Lately, I’ve been feeling like my people-pleasing tendencies are coming back to the surface. At first, I got a little annoyed with myself. I thought, “Why is this coming back up? I thought I...
Does Everyone Have To Be Your Friend?
The quick answer is no. However, have you been in a situation where you were friends with someone because - you thought you “should” or because you had mutual friends or you didn’t want to be rude - but if you were being honest with yourself you didn’t feel a...
Most Recent Blog Posts
Which Is Your Favorite?
Today is Valentine’s Day, so I thought why not talk about love? We can all use reminders to love ourselves and others more - I know I can. I believe not loving ourselves is typically the root cause of a lot of the strife we experience in life. When you are not loving...
I Felt VIolated!
This past weekend I was robbed. Someone smashed the driver’s side window of my car and stole my purse. I couldn’t believe it! It was a beautiful peaceful winter day. There was light snow coming down. It was chilly, but my girlfriend and I decided to bundle up and meet...
Do you have a grounding practice? Do you know what that means? How to do it? Grounding, also referred to as earthing, is the practice of walking or standing on the earth barefoot in order to connect with its innate healing energies. It relies on earthing science and...
The Power Of Intention
It's that time of the year again - the end of it! I can't believe 2022 is coming to a close. We will have to get used to writing 2023 soon. I've never been consistent in writing down what my goals are for the upcoming year. Instead, I like to get clear on what my...