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Do you have a grounding practice? Do you know what that means? How to do it?  Grounding, also referred to as earthing, is the practice of walking or standing on the earth barefoot in order to connect with its innate healing energies. It relies on earthing science and...

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Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It

I was looking at past journal entries at a time when I was struggling and felt stuck in life. I noticed how at the beginning of many of those entries I would write about how I may be hiding from my emotions - from how I was really feeling, which at the time was sad,...

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I Was Mortified!

I Was Mortified!

After listening to some episodes of the podcast Mortified, which features adults sharing the embarrassing things they wrote as kids. I decided to look through some of my old journals.  I came across some entries from when I was in my mid-20s. It was interesting to...