Categories: Read Blog Posts by Category

New Moon Energy

New Moon Energy

I’ve always been interested in astrology, and recently I have been tuning into the full and new moon energies more. I’ve held a couple of events that were a lot of fun. I believe getting feminine energy together can be powerful - now add the energy of the moon to that...

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Too many questions

Too many questions

Have you ever been in a conversation where someone was asking you too many questions? Maybe you were the one asking all the questions. Either way. It is all good. There are many tips on how to avoid asking too many questions so that it does not feel like you are...

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Most Recent Blog Posts



Do you have a grounding practice? Do you know what that means? How to do it?  Grounding, also referred to as earthing, is the practice of walking or standing on the earth barefoot in order to connect with its innate healing energies. It relies on earthing science and...