Categories: Read Blog Posts by Category

Are you a fixer?

Are you a fixer?

Do you have someone in your life that needs fixing, that could really really use your help? That if they listened to you and just did what you said . . . they would feel better? As I typed that out, I knew it sounded a bit silly, but this is what I was doing with my...

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Do you expect or accept?

Do you expect or accept?

I was not a very nice wife the other day. I apologized and we talked it out, but it was still bothering me. I decided to write about it, in order to process it. It was Sunday morning and I ran to the store to pick up a couple of items we were missing to make...

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Is Ignorance Bliss?

Is Ignorance Bliss?

I've hit another level of healing. Let me explain. Dave and I were invited to a friends house for dinner the other night. There were two other couples and their children, ages 2, 5 and 7. It was great and we had a lot of fun, but as we were driving home Dave and I had...

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Have You Experienced This?

Have You Experienced This?

The other day I was cleaning out my emails, and I came across a very old email from a former best friend and it got me thinking about how my friendships have changed over time. The gist of the email was how, at the time, I was a bad friend and how my friend felt that...

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Most Recent Blog Posts

Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It

I was looking at past journal entries at a time when I was struggling and felt stuck in life. I noticed how at the beginning of many of those entries I would write about how I may be hiding from my emotions - from how I was really feeling, which at the time was sad,...