I went on a hike with a friend a couple of weeks ago. The hike is called Devils Causeway. When my girlfriend explained the hike, she said it was on her bucket list and would love it if I joined her. I immediately said, yes! I love hiking and helping my friend cross...
Categories: Read Blog Posts by Category
Release That Sh!t . . .
Relationships - sometimes they are great and sometimes they are not so great. Are you nodding your head up and down with me? For example, they can fill us with happiness, joy, pleasure, love, excitement or sadness, grief, stress, fear, and anger - to name just a few...
The purpose of my life is to let things go . . .
“The purpose of my life is to let things go.” This has been my mantra lately. It was something that Michael Singer, author of the Untethered Soul discussed in a video I recently watched. This mantra has stuck with me. “The purpose of my life is to let things go.” I...
Fake It Till You Make It
I was looking at past journal entries at a time when I was struggling and felt stuck in life. I noticed how at the beginning of many of those entries I would write about how I may be hiding from my emotions - from how I was really feeling, which at the time was sad,...
What If They Won’t Talk To You?
Have you ever been in a situation where someone in your life will not communicate with you - no matter how hard you try? I am going through this right now. There is someone in my life that I love dearly, whom I have tried to reach out to many times, but have received...
It’s A Process . . .
I’m in the middle of writing a book. It is something I’ve started and stopped many times. I feel like it's time to complete it. As I was writing, it struck me how far I have come regarding my fertility journey. If you don’t know, I don’t have children. I wanted to...
Is it Time To Forgive?
You may be asking to forgive who? For what? I believe that forgiveness is a powerful practice to incorporate into your life. Let me explain. Sometimes we do or say things that we want to be forgiven for - but instead, we push it aside and tell ourselves it is no big...
I Relapsed . . . Again
Hi, my name is Monica and I am still in recovery from being a people-pleaser. Lately, I’ve been feeling like my people-pleasing tendencies are coming back to the surface. At first, I got a little annoyed with myself. I thought, “Why is this coming back up? I thought I...
Does Everyone Have To Be Your Friend?
The quick answer is no. However, have you been in a situation where you were friends with someone because - you thought you “should” or because you had mutual friends or you didn’t want to be rude - but if you were being honest with yourself you didn’t feel a...
Are You Aware Of The Disconnect?
I was catching up on life with a friend that I haven’t seen in a while. She recently left a job she worked at for the past 15 years. I asked her how the transition was and if she kept in touch with friends from her old job. She said no, that since she has left she...
Most Recent Blog Posts
How Are Your Family Dynamics?
As an intuitive healer, I focus a lot on energy. My energy, the energy of the things, people, places around me. Everything in the universe is made up of energy. We are all made of energy and it is always changing and shifting. How aware are you of your energy? Do you...
More Sugar Please
What is your relationship to sugar? My relationship is good, for the most part - now, but in the past, it was more of a love-hate thing. I loved eating sugar, especially chewy candy - Swedish fish, Mike & Ikes, Twizzlers, and cinnamon bears. Then I would hate...
They Finally Talked To Me!
After over 2 years - they finally talked to me! This is a person I spoke about in a previous post “What if they won’t talk to you?” It just so happened that I was visiting the state where this person lives. It's been a while since I've tried to reach out, so I debated...
Permission To Forgive?
If you do - here it is. I give you permission to forgive yourself. That is what I wanted to say to a friend I was talking with the other day. She was sharing with me how upset she was with herself for how she reacted to dealing with infertility and for having a...