Hi, my name is Monica and I am a recovering people-pleaser. It doesn’t sound like the worst addiction to have, does it? I mean is it a bad thing that I want the people around me to be happy? No, of course, it is not a bad thing. Although it can become a...
Categories: Read Blog Posts by Category
Let it go. . . Let it go . . .
Today, my daily intention was to “let go of expectations.” I immediately started to think about how I have been really hard on Dave, my husband, lately. Something clicked when I wrote out this intention. I have been setting expectations for Dave and then I have been...
what are your thoughts?
Have you considered your answer to the question, “What does your spiritual life mean to you?” Recently, someone asked me to do this. I thought it was a great exercise and wanted to share my answer with you. If you've not thought about this recently, I encourage you to...
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together#$@!?
Last time I talked about preparing for the loss of a parent. You can read that email here. This time I want to talk about preparing yourself for family dynamics. I don’t know about you but this can be a difficult topic for me. Now throw in an ill parent...
Do you hear the voices?
How are you doing? No, really. How are you doing? Have you been anxious, unsettled, uneasy, off? Have you have been super productive, getting shit done, checking things off your to-do list? Maybe your days have been a little of...
To forgive or not to forgive
Recently, I’ve been having conversations around the topic of forgiveness. It’s been interesting to hear other people’s views on the topic. It started when a woman recently shared with me that she was having a difficult time forgiving someone in her life. She was so...
It’s not personal
Have you ever felt like everyone, everything is against you? For example, the barista at the coffee shop did not acknowledge you as you picked up your morning coffee; you tried to have a deep conversation with a friend, but she barely heard a word you said and then...
Practice, Practice, Practice
Self-compassion, love, and care, which I like to refer to by the acronym S-CLC, is such an important topic. I mean who doesn’t want to have compassion for themselves? Who doesn’t want to love and care for themselves? I know I do, but sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes I...
Don’t take on other people’s shit
Have you ever walked into a room and instantaneously felt off, uncomfortable, or uneasy? You were feeling good one minute and then all of a sudden your mood changed and you felt uneasy, sad, agitated, or even angry? This used to happen to me a lot. I was on an...
Most Recent Blog Posts
Release That Sh!t . . .
Relationships - sometimes they are great and sometimes they are not so great. Are you nodding your head up and down with me? For example, they can fill us with happiness, joy, pleasure, love, excitement or sadness, grief, stress, fear, and anger - to name just a few...
The purpose of my life is to let things go . . .
“The purpose of my life is to let things go.” This has been my mantra lately. It was something that Michael Singer, author of the Untethered Soul discussed in a video I recently watched. This mantra has stuck with me. “The purpose of my life is to let things go.” I...
Fake It Till You Make It
I was looking at past journal entries at a time when I was struggling and felt stuck in life. I noticed how at the beginning of many of those entries I would write about how I may be hiding from my emotions - from how I was really feeling, which at the time was sad,...
What If They Won’t Talk To You?
Have you ever been in a situation where someone in your life will not communicate with you - no matter how hard you try? I am going through this right now. There is someone in my life that I love dearly, whom I have tried to reach out to many times, but have received...